Monday, August 15, 2016

Going Back to School After Getting Braces Over the Summer:

(courtesy of: Pixabay)
The start of a new school year is exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. You’ll be able to see your friends everyday, show off your new sneakers, and learn new things. On the other hand, you’re probably nervous to see all of your classmates for the first time in 3 months. Getting braces over the summer can make you even more anxious to go back to school but it doesn’t have to! We here at Tina Reed Orthodontics have come up with a list of tips to make you more relaxed for your first day at school with braces.

  1. First day outfit and makeup-
Make sure you set out the perfect outfit the night before. It doesn’t have to be the trendiest outfit, it just has to make you comfortable as you strut your stuff around the halls at school. It can be as simple as a pair of dark jeans and a band t-shirt or as flashy as a new dress with fringed sandals. If you are at the age where you wear make-up, check out our Makeup and Brace blog for some tips. You can try out that bright lipstick that you have been dying to wear or just swipe on some gloss as you’re walking to the bus.

  1. Getting your haircut-
If you have been debating on whether or not to go for a dramatic new look, now is the time to try it out. With a fresh haircut, people won’t even notice your braces. Try out the undercut that you’ve been dreaming about or  add a streak of purple or blue in their hair.

  1. Packing the right lunch-
Eating with braces can sometimes be a challenge so make sure that you pack items that are easy to eat. Avoid chips, apples, and sticky candy when packing or choosing your lunch in line at school.

  1. Braces emergency kit-
If you are still nervous after trying the tricks above, we recommend packing a braces emergency kit. You should include wax, floss, a toothbrush, and a pocket mirror to use during any emergencies that may occur.

  1. Have confidence-
To be honest, as long as you are confident all day long, no one will care that you have braces. If you just let yourself be you and get excited that you are on the path to a new smile, then you will have a great first day back to school. While the tips above will help make sure you are relaxed and have less to worry about in this new situationt, wear your changing smile proudly and get excited for the new school year ahead.


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