Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Smiling Makes You Look Younger

When you smile, you look younger because you look happy. A study found when people see laugh lines around your eyes and mouth when you smile, they take that into consideration and lower your age estimate. Also, smiling produces a “halo effect,” which makes us appear more positive, more attractive, and younger. Read about it below or click here for the full article by Cari Nierenberg.

Forget the face lift. Skip the Botox. And ditch the pricey wrinkle creams. The secret to a younger-looking face may be looking happy, new research suggests. 
Study volunteers were most likely to underestimate the age of happy faces. 
"Our study is the first to show that facial expression affects both accuracy and bias in age estimation," says lead author Manuel Voelkle, a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. It appears in the journal Psychology and Aging. 
Pictures of happy faces can be misleading because smiling or laughing can flex muscles around the eyes and mouth, creating temporary wrinkles. Since it's hard to tell temporary wrinkles from real ones in photos, people give a less accurate age estimate, Voelkle says. 
He also suspects that smiling faces carry a halo effect, meaning we generally perceive a grinning person to be more positive, more attractive, and younger. 
To explore how well people estimated age across the adult life span, researchers recruited 154 German men and women, who were young, middle-aged and older. In at least 10 different testing sessions, each participant was shown more than 1,000 faces and asked to guess the person's age in the photographs. The faces had angry, fearful, disgusted, happy, sad and neutral expressions. 
The age of faces with neutral expressions were estimated most accurately — which helps justify those "natural expression, both eyes open" U.S. passport photos. But faces with more emotion tended to throw off age predictions. 
The study found that as people got older, they're less accurate at correctly guessing someone's age. Younger people tended to underestimate a person's age while older people seemed to overestimate them. 
It's helpful to sense how old someone is from a picture. Whether you're looking at a Facebook photo, LinkedIn profile, or surveillance camera video, correctly perceiving a person's age can make a difference to how we approach and interact with that individual. 
"Age is one of the most important attributes we use to describe a person," Voelkle says. 
Researchers were surprised to find that older female faces were estimated to be more than three years younger than older male faces. (Make-up wasn't the reason because all the photos were taken without the person wearing cosmetics, eyeglasses or jewelry.) 
Voelkle suggests that ladies may pay more attention to their physical appearance than guys do. Or it could be that women have a longer life expectancy than men. Looking at it from this perspective, he says, "it's possible to conceive of age as distance to death, rather than distance from birth."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Covered Device Recycling Act

The Covered Device Recycling Act went into effect this month with regard to televisions, computers, computer monitors, and computer peripherals. You can find information about it from Pennsylvania Resources Council’s website. Below is a cursory run-through of information.

What is it?
In January, 2013, a disposal ban on covered devices goes into effect in Pennsylvania, after which no person may dispose of a covered device or any of its components with their municipal waste. From this date forward, residents will be required to recycle their covered devices (televisions, computers, computer monitors, and computer peripherals). 
Where can I recycle my TV, Computer or other electronic items?
Where can I find more information on this Act?Check out the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s website.
Learn more about recycling options here

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Unexpected Sports that Require Mouth Guards

When we hear about mouth guards, most of us usually picture sports like football, hockey, wrestling, and lacrosse. We wouldn’t lump in cheerleading and gymnastics with high contact sports that require protective devices for our mouths, but it’s true. Mouth guards are actually required for girls in sports like cheerleading and gymnastics.

What youth sports have the most mouth injuries?
If you answered football or hockey, you would be wrong! Because the use of mouth guards in youth and high school football, lacrosse, and ice hockey has been mandatory since the early 1970's, these sports have experienced a dramatic decline in the number of dental and jaw injuries. 
Instead, published reports show that the majority of mouth injuries occur in such popular youth sports as baseball, basketball, soccer, field hockey, softball and gymnastics, which lag far behind in injury protection. 
Recent studies also report that oral and facial injuries to female athletes exceed those in males. According to a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Dentistry, roughly three times as many mouth injuries occur on the basketball court as on the football field. Most of these injuries could have been easily prevented had the athlete been wearing a mouth guard. 
Injuries to the mouth and jaw - broken, cracked and lost teeth, jaw and joint fractures - are painful and hard to treat:
  • Severe jaw and joint injuries may require surgery and general anesthesia, which requires hospitalization and wiring the jaw shut for 30 days to let the injury heal.
  • A lost tooth must be re-implanted or false teeth made and fitted. Although easier to treat than a broken or fractured jaw, lost teeth are just as painful.
  • Players wearing braces can sustain serious mouth lacerations if the braces are hit with a ball or by another player. These types of injuries may call for extensive repair and lengthen orthodontic treatment time.
Mouth guard types
A mouth guard is a piece of soft plastic shaped to fit inside the mouth, protecting the lips, cheeks, tongue and teeth and the jaw when they are hit by large object - like a ball, or someone's elbow or head.
There are 3 main types of mouth guards:
  • Stock. The least expensive, stock type mouth guards cost about $2 and come in three sizes: small, medium and large. You get what you pay for in terms of fit. Some users complain that they are too wide in the back, making it harder to talk.
  • Boil and Bite. A semi-custom fit can be made using a "boil and bite" model mouth guard. Hot water is used to soften the plastic and your child then bites into the guard, molding it to his or her teeth. This type of mouth guard sells for between $5 and $15 and offers very good protection.
  • Custom. A dentist or orthodontist makes the best fitting mouth guards in a dental office. Not surprisingly, this kind of mouth guard is the most expensive of the three, costing between $35 and $65. Custom mouth guards are the best option if your child plays a number of sports each year or plays sports with continuous activity, like basketball or soccer, and is advised for a child with braces so that the mouth guard won't interfere with treatment (for more on mouth guards for children with braces, click here). Once a child reaches age 13 or 14, a custom fitted mouth guard should generally continue to fit for as long as needed. mouth guard
No one type of mouth guard is recognized as providing more protection. "The key point is to play it safe," says Dr. Hugh R. Phillis, a trustee of the American Association of Orthodontists and orthodontist in Nashua, New Hampshire told MomsTeam. "Any mouth guard is better than none," he says. 
Do not protect against concussion
Mouth guards, regardless of type, help prevent injury to the mouth, teeth, lips, cheeks and tongue. Mouth guards worn by players with braces may even prevent injury to another player caused by contact with the braces. They also cushion blows that might cause jaw fractures. But there is no evidence that they protect against, or reduce the risk of, concussion. 
In a January 2011 article in the journal Clinics in Sports Medicine researchers at Boston University and the Sports Legacy Institute, including MomsTeam's first concussion expert, Dr. Bob Cantu, Chris Nowinski, and Dr. Ann McKee1 conducted a comprehensive review of the medical literature to date, and concluded that no studies existed to support a claim that mouth guards prevented concussions or reduced their severity. 
Commenting on a 2005 study of National Hockey League players,2 which found that the concussion rate was 1.42 times greater in players who did not wear mouth guards compared with those who did, the authors concluded that the difference was not statistically significant. The same study, as later noted in a 2009 literature review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which counted among its authors two of the co-authors of the 2005 study,3 did note that symptom severity on a concussion evaluation post-concussion symptom scale was found to be significantly worse in athletes who were not wearing mouth guards than in those who were, but not that mouth guards reduced concussion risk. 
Thus Dr. Cantu and his Boston University colleagues stated that "there is little evidence that mouth guards provide protection against concussion," and, in the process, criticizing a 2009 study of college athletes reported in Dental Traumotology3 as being marked by "several design flaws."  The study thus concludes with the following statement: 
"Although mouth guards have been shown to be effective in preventing dental and orofacial injury, there is currently no evidence that standard or fitted mouth guards decrease the rate or severity of concussions in athletes. The bulk of the evidence indicating a potential protective effect of mouth guards on concussion incidence has been based on a limited case series studies and retrospective, non-randomized, cross-sectional surveys. There is also evidence that mouth guard use does not result in any difference in neurocognitive test performance after concussion." 
The preponderance of evidence seems to indicate that helmets and mouth guards provide a significant benefit in protecting against many catastrophic head, neck and orofacial injuries. However, there is not yet significant evidence to advocate their effectiveness in preventing concussion. ... Although newer equipment remains a promising potential tool in minimizing concussion severity and incidence, other methods such as rule changes, improved concussion education, and proper coaching and training may prove more effective in the immediate future. 
Require frequent replacement and sanitization 
study in Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach4 found that mouth guards may increase the number and intensity of mouth cuts and abrasions, exposing an athlete to an increased chance of infection due to the bacteria, yeast, and fungi that mouth guards routinely collect. 
Researchers stress that even with the increase in oral lesions,mouth guards are still an important piece of safety equipment for contact sports. "By no means should the value of a mouth guard be discounted," Glass emphasizes. "The protection they do offer teeth during contact sports is important. However, the length of time that a mouth guard is used and how often it is cleaned needs to be revised." 
As a result, experts now recommend four safety steps:
  1. Replace regularly or when mouth guard becomes sharp or jagged. A mouth guard should be replaced as soon as it becomes distorted or develops sharp jagged edges or after 14 days of regular use, whichever comes first;
  1. Replace if oral irritation or ulcer. Because the molds from mouth guards may cause exercise-induced asthma and allergies, mouth guards should be replaced whenever an athlete develops any type of oral lesion (mouth sore) or respiratory distress;
  1. Sanitize daily. Because mouth guards have a natural ability to become a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and mold, they should be sanitized on a daily basis using a commercially available antimicrobial denture-cleansing solution; and
  1. Have regular oral exams. Athletes' mouths should be examined on an ongoing basis while they are using mouth guards.
"This study stresses the importance of informing athletes of the danger of not properly taking care of a mouth guard. A mouth guard will do your mouth good only if you keep it in good shape," adds Glass. 
In what sports should mouth guards be worn?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a sports mouth guard for all youth competition, regardless of age. The American Dental Association recommends mouth guards for the following sports:
Martial Arts
Water Polo
Weight Lifting
Discus Throwing
Ice Hockey
Shot Putting
Field Hockey
Some athletic associations are getting the message. For instance, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, the governing body in the state for high school athletics, made mouth guards mandatory for junior varsity and varsity soccer players for the first time. Mouth guards may soon become mandatory in other sports as well.

Follow this link for the full article.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ann Curry's "26 Acts of Kindness"

After the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, many people began wondering where all the good went in this world. In response to that, NBC New’s Ann Curry began an internet trend with #26ActsofKindness, an idea that is similar to the concept of “paying it forward.” She proposes to do 26 random acts of kindness, 20 for every child lost at Sandy Hook, and six for the teachers. People have leaped upon this idea and, as of this posting, the concept’s Facebook page has 91,517 likes. Curry explains her idea below:

After the experience in Newtown. I thought, “What if? Imagine if everyone could commit to doing one act of kindness for every one of those children killed in Newtown.” So that’s what I tweeted. And guess what? People committed. I said in my tweet, “I’m in. RT if you’re in.” Not only did they commit to 20 acts of kindness, they wanted to up it to 26 acts of kindness for every child and adult who was lost at the school. Some even debated maybe we should include the mother, who died, at 27 acts. Some debated maybe we should include the killer as well as he was struggling and in pain.
What’s really remarkable to me is how many people responded. They are the ones who carried the ball. They are the ones who chose what to do. People would tweet back, “I’ve done two!” “I bought coffee for a guy in line!” “I bought toys for homeless children!” “I’ve got 18 more to go!” or “24 more to go!” – whatever number they were trying to reach.
I was inspired by them. So I started tweeting about what people were doing. Some people thought it was boasting when they would say “I’ve done this” or “I’ve done that.” I don’t think so. I think that whenever you show by example an act of kindness – big or small – something that spends a lot of money, or because you don’t have the money, something that doesn’t, all of it is welcome.
There is no judgment. I think that’s the key. If people want to do it, great. But I think that if they do it, something great happens to you.
When I was tweeting, I noticed that the number one trending topic was something like "ThingsIlikeaboutmyself."  I thought, “Well, if you do act of kindness, I bet you’ll like even more about yourself.” So that’s what I tweeted. I know the truth: if you do good, you feel good. It’s the most selfish thing you can do. Right now, this country wants to heal. I think the only thing comforting in the face of a tragedy like this is to do something good with it if you can. Be a part of that wave.

Follow this link to read the entire story behind this idea.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Benefits of Straight Teeth

Since we were kids, we were told to brush and floss twice a day. But why? Here are a few facts about how straight teeth can make us healthier.

Having Straight Teeth Makes Cleaning Easier 
When your teeth are straight, they are easier to clean. There are fewer hard-to-reach areas and your toothbrush bristles can contact all the surfaces that need to be brushed. Plus, flossing is more likely to dislodge food particles completely when your teeth are properly spaced. In contrast, crowded teeth provide an ideal hiding place for food debris which serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. As this biofilm accumulates, it hardens into plaque and eventually tarter that is very difficult to remove. This process doesn’t take long. Biofilm starts to “set” within 48 hours and can turn into tarter within just a couple of weeks. When you have crooked, crowded teeth, your dentist may have to work longer and harder to remove plaque — even if you brush regularly. 
Oral and General Health Benefits of Straight Teeth 
Because crooked and crowded teeth are difficult to clean, they are more prone to developing cavities. Constant contact with bacteria is also bad for your gums. Gingivitis (inflammation caused by bacteria trapped in pockets between the gums and the teeth) is a common problem for patients with crooked teeth. Gingivitis can develop into periodontitis which affects the gums, connective tissues and even the jaw bone surrounding and supporting your teeth. Advanced periodontitis can result in tooth loss. The chronic oral infection of periodontitis is also linked to serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. 
Straight Teeth Lessen Discomfort and Increase Function 
Ideally, your top and bottom teeth should line up with each other to provide the most efficient biting and chewing function without causing excessive wear. When you get your teeth straightened to properly align your bite, you cut down on the amount of stress your teeth experience. This leads to a longer and healthier lifespan for your teeth. It can also help alleviate some forms of chronic jaw pain that are linked to having a misaligned bite. 
Aesthetic and Social Benefits of Having Straight Teeth 
The most important emotional/psychological reason to get your teeth straightened is to feel good about your smile. Both kids and adults generally feel better about their appearance after undergoing a successful tooth straightening treatment. People who are shy about smiling, laughing, or having their photo taken can be more relaxed knowing that their teeth look straight and even. 
It may seem shallow to think that people might judge you based on the straightness of your teeth, but it’s a pretty common attitude. According to an Invisalign-sponsored survey of 1,000 Americans, almost 50 percent said they believe having crooked teeth makes a poor impression.  If you ask most people whether they find straight teeth appealing, they will admit they do. Having crooked teeth isn’t likely to keep you from landing a job or finding love. However, you can benefit from a boost in self confidence once your teeth look their best.