Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to Smile About Being Single on Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year again! Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and if you’re a single adult it’s easy to feel left out, especially if all your friends are out doing things with their significant others.

But look on the bright side! Being single on Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to reinforce your confidence that you are enough and don’t need the validation of others in order to achieve self confidence. Here are just a few reasons why being single on Valentine’s Day isn’t the worst thing in the world:

No Pressure
You won’t have to worry about buying gifts, bringing flowers, or meeting another person’s expectations for a day. The only person whose approval you need is yourself!

Celebrate Friends
Watching a movie and ordering takeout can be a great way for single friends to bond on Valentine’s Day. Or, if you’re in the mood for a nice dinner, host a dinner party to celebrate your friends.

Even if you don’t have someone to love on Valentine’s Day, you can still pamper yourself. Stay inside and indulge in your guilty pleasures. Eat your favorite food. Read a book. Watch that television show you’d never admit that you watch! And do it without any guilt whatsoever!

Avoid the Commercialism
Valentine’s Day is ripe with marketing and commercialism. As a single adult, you can take the day to avoid all of the constant advertising, long waits at restaurants, and advertising that we all get tired of year after year.

Get Yourself Organized
If you’ve been putting off a bunch of tasks, find one (or a few) and start checking them off your list. You can even start by establishing a to-do list for the next few months.

Appreciate Life!
Finally, a low-key Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to appreciate what is great about your life right now. At the very least, you have the independence to do what you want with your time and you can choose who you do it with!