Monday, April 4, 2016

Five Ideas to Make Your Time with Braces Fly by:


Getting braces is a different experience for every person. Some people, like our patient Chris, think that it is a quick process from the start. He says, “follow the plan that Dr. Reed gives to you so you'll have a smooth ride through your treatment and your braces will be off before you know it.” Others are nervous when they think about having braces for anywhere from 18 months to 2 years. It feels like a big time commitment and can seem like an eternity. We are here to tell you that isn’t true! If you still don’t believe us or Chris, we’ve gathered some ideas to make the time fly and remind you why you got braces in the first place.

  1. Calendar Countdown- Every house needs a calendar, so make your’s personal and use it to countdown to the day you get your braces off. This idea of using a simple binder and turning it into a fully customizable calendar seems like an affordable and perfect way to get you excited for the big day. If you like more color, check out this crafty idea using paint chip samples to make your countdown calendar.
  2. Paper Chain- You may be reminded of your first grade art class with these paper chains, but they’re really effective. Everyday you have your braces you should add another ring to your chain. You can use this practice to help you remember why you got braces in the first place. Before you seal each strip of paper into a ring, write a reason why you are getting your teeth straightened, or a future event that you imagine yourself having straight teeth for.
  3. Reward Coupons- Positive encouragement is one of the best ways to push through the braces process. For each month you have your braces on, reward yourself with a coupon. The coupon could be for extra TV time, or a trip to the ice cream parlor, whatever makes you excited and reminds you that you are on track to a better smile!
  4. Find a buddy- Everything is more fun with a friend. Find someone that you know got their braces on close to the time you did that way you can talk with them as the months go by. Having someone to talk to about what you’re going through will not only help you, but keep you excited for the end results.

We hope these techniques help the time go by and get you to that perfect smile before you know it!


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