Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Smile

Winter is on its way out and spring is upon us, which means a healthy dose of spring cleaning to kickstart the much-anticipated season. Whether or not you have a plan in place to execute your spring cleaning, it’s not too late to make dental care part of that plan. With the holidays behind us and our bellies full of sweets and treats, it’s the perfect time to refresh your oral hygiene routine.

Here are 5 tips to spring clean those pearly whites of yours:

1. Ditch your old toothbrush

Out with the old and in with the new, right? If your toothbrush is looking a little too loved (aka frayed bristles) then it’s time to get a new one. The general rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or anytime after you’ve been sick. Brushing with a used and abused toothbrush doesn’t effectively reach all of your teeth’s nooks and crannies for a proper cleaning. Have a little fun upgrading your toothbrush and keep the old one for cleaning tough spots around the house!

2. Take advantage of seasonal produce

With all of the desserts that are a special part of Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine’s Day, it’s time to take advantage of the fresh produce spring brings. The season’s favorites include strawberries, asparagus, and spinach, all of which are both nutritionally beneficial and tooth-healthy. For instance, strawberries contain malic acid, an ingredient in mouthwashes and toothpastes that stimulate saliva production and reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth. So whenever you are at the grocery store next, make sure to pick up an extra batch of strawberries, because the tasty fruit plays an important role in keeping your mouth healthy!

3. Brush twice, floss once

We hear this rule all too often, but it really is a vital dental care regimen to maintain. If you need to be reminded of the risks of forgetting to brush before bedtime, check out our recent blog on the topic. This is also a good time to replenish your floss supply, because if you’re flossing daily and using 18 inches of floss every time as recommended, that’s roughly 45 feet of floss a month.

4. Check the expiration date on your mouthwash

Most mouthwash has a shelf life indicated on the bottle. Although using it past the expiration date won’t cause any real harm, it will be doing less of what it is supposed to do. It is highly recommended to follow the date on your bottle to get the best benefits.

5. Schedule a professional cleaning

No matter if you’re the world’s best brusher and flosser, the fact of the matter is there are certain areas we just can’t reach on our own that require a professional. Patients should get their teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months to help clean those neglected, hard-to-reach places and to prevent bigger issues that could require an expensive fix down the line.

Are you ready to get your dental spring cleaning on? Contact us today if you’re looking for ways to improve your smile during the happy, flowery season.

(Image Credit: Gabriel Rocha, Flickr)


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