Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Smile-Friendly Movie Snacks for Summer

With summer approaching, it’s prime season to settle into a cozy seat at the movies and enjoy one of the season’s many blockbuster movies.

Of course, a true movie experience wouldn’t be complete without some classic movie snacks. However, as you well know, when you have braces, you have to make some compromises on what you eat. Don’t worry though -- there are a bunch of snacks you can get at the movies that are completely compatible with your braces.

Hot dogs and pizzaMost movie theaters sell these snacks, which are a better to eat than sticky gummies and Milk Duds that will get stuck in between your brackets and arch wires. 

Soft pretzelsYou should try to stick to soft foods, and soft pretzels are a good snack to eat. Try it with cinnamon or salted with cheese. 

Ice cream and frozen yogurtIce cream and yogurt bars with varieties of toppings are becoming popular in theaters. Milkshakes also are safe to eat and a tasty, cool summer treat. 

Soft, fresh-baked cookiesSome movie theaters sell fresh-baked cookies. Chocolate chip cookies should be a safe option for moviegoers. 

Chocolate candyTry to stay away from candy bars with nuts and caramel, but there are plenty of options to choose from including Hershey’s bars, M&Ms, Reese’s Pieces and Kit Kat bars. 

Sodas and slushiesThese sugary drinks aren’t good for your teeth, but they won’t damage your brackets and wires. Just make sure you brush your teeth after the movie to make sure there isn’t any sugary residue left on your teeth. If you can sip water between swigs of the sugary drinks, that can help wash the Gummy candiessugars off your teeth.
Some snacks to stay away from are popcorn, gummy worms, bubble gum, nachos, and candy bars with caramel. These snacks can be your worst enemy at the movie theater because you will be left picking at your braces instead of enjoying the movie. If you do decide to eat these risky treats, make sure to bring a toothbrush, floss and a Proxabrush to go between braces and teeth to remove food and plaque.

Looking for an excuse to sport a great smile this summer? Talk to Reed Orthodontics about your options for a straighter smile!


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