Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How to Properly Clean Your Teeth with Brace

Keeping your mouth and teeth clean is important part of your daily routine. However, it is even more important when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. You must know how to properly clean your braces and retainers and that you aren’t skimping out on your end of the job. First of all, you should be seeing your orthodontist about once a month so they can make sure your treatment is going as planned and that your are taking care of your teeth. Keep in mind that it takes about three times as long to clean your teeth with braces than it does without.


You should brush your teeth after every meal and snack. Not brushing after eating can cause strain on your teeth after your braces are removed. Oral B recommends using a two-step system when brushing your braces. First, brush your teeth from top down and then bottom up. You can also buy specially made toothbrushes designed to clean between brackets. Nevertheless, while these toothbrushes are helpful, they are not necessary. Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3 months. You should brush your teeth for about two minutes:
1.     Start by rinsing your mouth out with some water.
2.     If you wear rubber bands, remove them.
3.     Clean your braces: clean around and under your wires and brackets.
4.     Clean your teeth: focus on each tooth individually by moving your brush in a circular motion.
5.     Don’t forget to brush your gums: we don’t want them to get inflammed and bleed.


When flossing it is important to use a floss threader so that you can get under the main wire and floss in between your teeth properly. Try to avoid putting pressure on the main wire.


Many orthodontists recommend using fluoride mouthwash on top of brushing your teeth and flossing, for those hard to reach places. Mouthwash also helps control plaque build up. If you don’t have fluoride mouthwash then salt water is an excellent alternative because it can help kill sores and Gingivitis. You should rinse your mouth out with mouthwash or salt water for about 30 seconds after your brush your teeth and floss.

Proxy Brush

Most orthodontists will give you a proxy brush to help you reach difficult areas and to really get in between your wires. These are very useful; just remember to change them out frequently because they do collect germs.
Avoiding chewy and tough to eat foods like corn, nuts, apples, popcorn, candy, and gum will make the cleaning experience easier for you. If you have any further questions on keeping your braces clean or are unsure how to do anything we have discussed here, please contact Dr. Reed’s office today at 412-421-8565.


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