Wednesday, September 24, 2014

When Should My Child Get Braces?

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To start off simply, your child should probably first see an orthodontist before they turn seven. However, the age can vary depending on the severity of your child’s misalignment. Nevertheless, just because you are seeing an orthodontist does not mean you are beginning treatment that very moment. We must wait until a child has at least a few of her permanent teeth before we start using braces. Usually this is between eight and fourteen years old.

Why Do Kids Need Braces?

Kids need braces for a number of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include crooked, overlapping, overcrowded teeth, an overbite, or an under bite. These issues can be genetic but can also be caused by injury or by children sucking their thumb or fingers. If your dentist notices a problem they will most likely send you to an orthodontist for more examination. Starting the process early doesn’t mean your child will get braces sooner, but it does mean you will have a handle on the problem sooner.
On your first visit your child will only go through a routine check up to analyze the problems. They will probably have an x-ray and get a mold of their mouth. Remember, just because you or your child go in for an appointment, doesn’t mean you will get braces that day. Once the braces are on, you will need to visit the orthodontist every couple of weeks so they can keep track of the adjustments.

Two Phase Treatment

Some dentists and orthodontists recommend two phases of braces. Phase one begins when your child still has their baby teeth and phase two, when they have their permanent teeth. Phase one does not always use braces but other types of “dental appliances”.  This two-phase process allows the baby teeth to be guided into adulthood and hopefully stay in place throughout the process.
Remember, you don’t have to be a kid to get orthodontic treatment. About half of all orthodontic patients are adults. It’s never too late to get braces. So whether you have a kid who needs braces or you’re thinking of getting them yourself, call Dr. Reed to see how she can help you with your decision.


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