Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Will Braces Change My Facial Structure?

If you’re interested in getting braces for yourself, chances are, you’re doing it to achieve a better looking, healthier smile. And sometimes, the shifting of the teeth does cause slight changes in the shape of your face.

After all, your teeth are part of your face! (Along with your other facial tissue and bone structure.) Particularly if you have maloclussion—misalignment of the teeth—it is quite possible that your new smile will make your face look a little different. However, these changes almost always work to bring more balance to your facial features and add up to an overall more attractive appearance. In fact, many orthodontic treatments were designed to improve unbalanced facial features.

For example, if you have a protruding mouth or chin, wearing braces that are properly aligned by a skilled orthodontist can absolutely correct the problem. You may even see noticeable changes in your profile and jawline within the first year of wearing braces—so not only will you have a straighter smile, but you’ll also have a perfectly proportioned face!

If you’re especially worried about major changes to your facial structure, consider lingual braces—installed behind the teeth, they’re 100% customizable and result in straight teeth without making drastic, negative changes to the shape of your mouth or jaw. These are a great choice for adults who are hesitant about having metal wires and brackets wrapped in front of their teeth.

To schedule an appointment with Tina Reed Orthodontics, call us today at 412.421.8565 or click here to send our staff a message.


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