Thursday, November 7, 2013

Straight Teeth Good for More than a Smile

When many patients first come into our office, they’re thinking one thing: they want a better smile. And yes, orthodontic treatment like traditional bracket braces or Invisalign can be reliable, affordable ways to straighten your teeth.

But what many patients don’t realize is that having straight teeth is also a health benefit. Here are some ways that straight teeth contribute not just to a sparkling smile, but to a healthy one:
  • Straight teeth are easier to brush. When your teeth are too close together, the crowding can result in hard-to-reach areas for your toothbrush and floss. Food tends to get caught between crowded teeth as well, which can cause bacteria and plaque to grow. And when bacteria and plaque grow, conditions like gum inflammation and gingivitis are more likely to develop. On the other hand, too much space can also cause food to lodge between two teeth, so cavities and gum disease are more likely to occur.
  • Straight teeth mean healthy gums. Gums fit much more snugly around straight teeth than crooked ones. This will prevent pieces of feed from getting to comfortable in there!
  • It’s easier to speak and chew. When your teeth aren’t straight, not only are you more likely to chip a tooth, but you’ll also find it much easier to speak and chew your food correctly—this can lead to gastrointestinal problems. In addition, properly aligned teeth put less stress on your jawbones.

Braces are a great general health choice for people of all ages—not just kids. If you’re having a hard time chewing, brushing, flossing, or anything else listed above, consider getting bracket braces or Invisalign. Ivy Horn, an Atlanta attorney, told WebMD about her experience getting braces as an adult:

"I'm not embarrassed about having [braces] at my age because you see a lot of people now, young adults, even older adults wearing braces. In my field I do a lot of speaking when I am in court a lot. I just think it would look better if I had the clear braces rather than the metal braces so people aren't focusing so much on what's in my mouth but the words that are coming out of my mouth."

To schedule an appointment with Reed Orthodontics or if you have any questions, call 412.421.8565 or click here.


Clear Braces Orthodontics said...

Thanks for the information. I am also needing Straight Teeth and am currently in the process of choosing a orthodontist. Your teeth look great! This makes me more excited to start!

How can i get straight teeth

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