Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Urban Green Growth Collaborative

Finding ways to promote and maintain a green living in our neighborhoods can result in a sense of pride and accomplishment. We may have already missed the first meeting, but that doesn’t mean you can’t attend the others!  The rest of the meetings include topics such as weatherizing your home, managing stormwater drainage, promoting urban agriculture and ways to enhance a healthy community.

The Urban Green Growth Collaborative (UGGC) works with inner city residents by engaging them in green sustainable hands on development activities that increase residents understanding and ability to learn green practices. The Urban Green Growth Collaborative meetings are open to the public. Each meeting has a series of 5-10 speakers highlighting upcoming sustainable practices from around the East End of Pittsburgh. Stop by every fourth Wednesday of the month! Light dinner is provided. 
The UGGC was created to address the unique opportunities located in the East End of Pittsburgh, PA, where urban (re)development is taking place with little or limited socioeconomic engagement from minority populations. 
The UGGC focuses on long-term systemic change that empowers community through:
  • Information – Providing valuable and concise information that informs the community of planning, jobs, and development that have a direct impact on their lives.
  • Infrastructure – Making sure that resources are available to support sustainable change.
  • Connections – Building relationships and creating experiences that empower people to change their own lives. 
Although much green development is taking place in the Greater Pittsburgh Area, there is little to no participation from residents of urban communities, especially those at risk of long-term unemployment, academic underachievement, and chronic poverty. The Urban Green Growth Collaborative (UGGC) was established to empower inner city residents by engaging them in sustainable, green, hands-on development activities.These activities directly influence our constituent’s understanding of their conditions, risk factors, and opportunities for growth and development. The UGGC takes advantage of existing community, educational, and economic resources to support infrastructure development, information sharing, and relationship building.

Follow this link for more information.


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