Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Momfluential" Blogger Seeing Progress with Invisalign

Isn't it a great feeling when you start a new treatment and someone says they notice results? Ciaran Blumenfeld, aka “Momfluential”, thought so too! Read about her experience with Invisalign treatment below.

I’ve been wondering how long it would take. Just this past week people have started to comment that they can see a real difference in my smile.

I’m at the end of my 5th set of aligners (out of 23). I’ve still got a way to go. This is the point in treatment where you sort of hit a rhythm I think. I have my routines down and there isn’t much newness to the process. I know I will be a little sore for a day or two when I start a new set of aligners and plan accordingly: put the aligners on at night, take an advil pm and dose again with advil if needed the first two days. Other than that it’s sort of same same. I’ve got this.

Until someone told me they saw a difference. Really!?

I couldn’t help but get out my first set of trays and the current ones and compare them. I was surprised that there was such a measurable difference that I could see on paper! I should note: I wrote Wk 5 but I actually change the trays every two weeks so it’s really been ten weeks.

I still have a ways to go but I think I can see a difference in my smile as well. Here’s the latest close up.

And here is the picture I posted when I started treatment. Can you see a difference?

I am a member of the Invisalign Mom Advisory Board. I have been compensated for my participation in this program. All opinions are my own.

Read more here.


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