Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to Stay Smiling Over the Winter

Well, winter is finally here, and of course, so are the winter blues. However, it might surprise you to know that only 5 percent of the U.S. population is actually clinically diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Staying happy and mentally healthy during the winter months is more attainable then you might think. If you approach the season with a positive mindset, you’ll feel better, look better, and of course, smile more.

Here are some tips to help you avoid the winter rut and have a winter worthy of your biggest, brightest smile:

Light Therapy
Lack of sunlight can cause disruptions in your sleep patterns and your mood. Light therapy boxes are one way to combat this and get a little extra Vitamin D. You can use these at home, or at work, with your employer’s approval. The National Institutes of Health recommends that you only use light therapy for 30 minutes daily for a few weeks at a time.

Get Cardio!
If you’ve already resolving to get in better shape in 2015, this one’s for you. Avoid spending full days indoors, which can really drain your physical energy and mood. Getting outside, even in the cold, will result in endorphin secretion and will just leave you feeling better. Consider setting aside 15 minutes every day to walk -- or if you’re super ambitious, do more intense exercise like skiing, hiking, or ice skating.

Take a Breather
The gloomy days of winter are not the time to take lunch at your desk. If possible, go out for lunch, get take out (not delivery), or eat your lunch somewhere besides your desk. It’s crucial to draw a line between work and life, and it can be empowering to file lunchtime in the “life” category, not the ‘work” category. Even if you can’t break for lunch, take short walks throughout your work day, if only to get your blood pumping and get some sunlight. You can even have walking meetings or get a standing desk!

Be a Social Butterfly
You might not see many butterflies during the winter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be one. Avoid “hibernating” like a bear this winter and make a concerted effort to connect with people socially and professionally. Shake people’s hands, pat people on the back, and give high fives --  these can all promote good feelings or respect and trust, and make you feel connected to society.

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