Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Annoyance of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the very last molars in your mouth to develop. They usually begin to pop through your back gums at around 16 to 19 years old. If you cannot see them around this age then your teeth may be impacted and you should talk to your dentist. Some people however do not have wisdom teeth and therefore do not have to deal with getting them removed. Because wisdom teeth are the last to come in they often do not have enough room to grow and can cause crowding in your mouth forcing your teeth to shift. More often than not, wisdom teeth are removed rather than forcing your teeth to shift. The crowding caused by growing wisdom teeth can cause intense amounts of pain, infections, and sometimes even cysts.

Removing your Teeth

Getting your wisdom teeth out can be very painful but the good new is you don’t have to be awake for the process. Depending on whether you teeth are impacted or not, the process can be a simple extraction or a surgical extraction. A simple extraction only requires some Novocaine and a dentist while with a surgical extraction, an oral surgeon will put you under with a general anesthesia and removed your teeth from your gums.

Braces and Wisdom Teeth

Most people get braces around 9 to 14 years old, long before wisdom teeth begin to appear. So why should you get braces when you don’t have all your teeth yet and they are just going to shift anyways? Many people get their wisdom teeth removed and therefore their teeth don’t need to shift. If you don’t get your wisdom teeth removed it is probably because they aren’t causing a problem, meaning the shift isn’t that big and braces can quickly fix the problem if there is one at all. We recommend that you get braces before you get your wisdom teeth removed or when your dentist recommends them because the chance of you needing them again later is life is slim.


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