Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Common Concerns About Cosmetic Orthodontics

Although straight teeth are certainly good for your overall health, some people want to straighten their simply for cosmetic reasons. A beautiful smile is important, but since the dawn of orthodontics, many adults have been reluctant to get braces due to embarrassment, cost, or other reasons. Fortunately, with products like Invisalign on the market, these concerns can be virtually eliminated.

Marielaina Perrone, DDS penned a great post on Dentistry IQ about some of the most common concerns that people have in regards to cosmetic orthodontics and we wanted to share them with the Club Reed community and its friends:

“I’m just too old for braces. Braces are for kids.”
It’s never too late to have the smile they have always wanted. No, there is no age limit for to undergo orthodontic treatment. Cosmetic orthodontics let you have the perfect smile you have always wanted without putting your life on hold so you can continue to look amazing throughout your treatment.

After all, one in every five orthodontics patients in an adult!

“Braces take too long.”
For many adults, cosmetic orthodontics can be completed in as little as six months. Depending upon the appliances used and the amount of movement required, treatment can be quite short in length.

“Orthodontic treatment is painful.”
There is a difference between discomfort and pain. All appliances take some getting used to, but it is only for a matter of months. Most of the discomfort is short-lived, lasting a few days after an adjustment appointment. In general, the discomfort does not get past the point where a Tylenol does not bring relief.

“Orthodontic braces make it more difficult to keep your teeth clean. Will this cause cavities?"
Good oral hygiene will take a bit more attention than it did before appliances were in place, but is very manageable with the right tools. Waterpiks, electric toothbrushes, fluoride rinses, and threader floss can make it much easier to keep everything clean and cavity-free.

Click here to learn more about Pittsburgh Orthodontist, Tina Reed Orthodontics!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this write up. It's been a while that i have been thinking to put on braces. I searched for dentist india to get the best treatment. I am really concerned about my teeth and want to go through and know as much before taking the big decision.

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