Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Get Back on the “White” Track

Seeing an orthodontist to straighten out your smile is one of the best things you can do for your confidence and your self image. But it’s important for adult and child patients alike to realize that braces and similar applications like Invisalign can’t do everything to fix your smile.

Some patients, especially our adult patients—coffee addiction is real!—may also want to whiter teeth. But recognizing some of the most contributing factors to yellow teeth and avoiding them, can be one of the best ways to get rid of the yellow and get back on the “white” track.

If you’re looking to straighten out your smile, of course you should see Dr. Reed first. But to take that extra step towards a smile that shines, take note of the following foods and lifestyle choices you might want to cut out, according to this LiveScience article:

Not surprisingly, dark-colored foods and beverages — including coffee, red wine, black tea, colas, dark sauces and various fruits, such as grapes, blueberries and pomegranates — have the greatest potential to stain teeth. These items are high in chromogens, pigment-producing substances with a penchant for sticking to tooth enamel.

Acidic foods and beverages can worsen matters by eroding tooth enamel and making it easier for chromogens to latch onto the teeth. Tannin, a bitter compound found in wine and tea, also helps chromogens attach to tooth enamel.

Additionally, smoking and chewing tobacco are well-known culprits behind extrinsic stains, as is poor dental hygiene, which allows dental plaque to accumulate on the teeth.

To schedule an appointment with Tina Reed Orthodontics, call us today at 412.421.8565 or click here to send our staff a message.


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