Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Life After Braces

If you have braces already, congratulations! You’ve taken one of the best, proactive steps towards your long-term oral health.

We know as well as you do that orthodontic treatment can be a long process, but by and large, our patients find that the treatment is well worth the cost and effort.

When you get your braces off, chances are your teeth will be straight, but in order to keep those pearly whites in great shape even after your last orthodontist appointment, there are several things you can do—thing of it as an insurance policy on your orthodontic treatment.

Give your gums some TLC 
If you had wire braces, there's a chance that your gums are in need of a little bit of care since "many patients have difficulty keeping their gums as healthy as they should be due to the difficulty of flossing with wires in their mouths," says one California dentist. "If your gums are slightly puffy, rinse with hot salt water three times a day until they are firm again." 

Schedule a dentist appointment 
The same reasoning applies here-there's a good chance your teeth were slightly neglected while you wore braces or aligners, so once you're finished wearing them, make sure to schedule a check up and cleaning with your dentist, along with dental x-rays (especially if you wore metal braces) to check for tooth decay. 

Never stop wearing retainers 
This might go without saying, but there are plenty of people who choose not to wear their retainers (or simply stop wearing them after awhile). But if they aren't worn regularly, your teeth will move back to their original position pretreatment.

If you don’t have braces yet, but think that you might need orthodontic treatment in Pittsburgh, call Reed Orthodontics today for a consultation, at (412) 421-8565.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yearbook Photos: A Memory Lane and a Crystal Ball, All in One

Out of all the photos you’ve had taken of yourself, chances are your yearbook photo is at least a little bit embarrassing. In high school and college, we’re still very much finding ourselves, and looking back at our smiles of yesteryear can be an entertaining source of laughs and jokes amongst friends.

But did you know that your yearbook photo can predict a lot about your future? It’s true, according to a recent study.

Matthew Hertenstein, associate professor of psychology at DePauw University, reviewed the following yearbook photo facts in a recent Wall Street Journal article:

It turns out that those who smiled least in their photographs were about five times more likely to divorce at some point in their lives compared with those who smiled most.
  • People who remained in their relationships tended to smile more warmly and brightly compared with their divorced counterparts.
  • Future divorcées were more likely to look somewhat stoic-faced. They either didn't smile or, if smiling, tended not to contract their orbicularis oculi, producing the sort of look you might find on the face of someone who is tired of talking to you at a cocktail party.
  • A 2001 study by LeeAnne Harker and Dacher Keltner in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that women flashing bright, warm smiles in their college yearbook photos reported experiencing less anxiety, sadness and despair in the 30 years after graduating.
  • In a study published in Psychological Science in 2010, researchers Ernest Abel and Michael Kruger even showed that professional baseball players who smiled warmly in photos taken in the early 1950s lived, on average, until the age of 80, compared with age 73 for their non-smiling counterparts.
Whether you’re happy or unhappy with your yearbook photo, people of all ages have a range of orthodontic treatment options when it comes to fixing that smile—call Reed Orthodontics today for a consultation, at (412) 421-8565.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mythbusters for Braces

With any medical, dental, or orthodontic treatment, there are going to be some misconceptions that prevent people from pursuing the solution that they need to live a healthier, happier life. Yes, this even includes braces.

Needless to say, orthodontic treatment and technology has come a long way since it was first invented in the 1800s—Yes! It’s true!—so although some of the myths about braces may have been true at one point, almost none of them hold any truth here in 2013.

Whether it’s health concerns about braces, social concerns, or off-the-wall myths like braces attracting fish, we’re here to do some orthodontic mythbusting!

If two people with braces kiss, can they become locked together?Today’s braces are smaller and more compact than they used to be—it is virtually impossible for this to happen. Braces aren’t magnetic either, so any attraction you’re feeling isn’t coming from the braces!

Will my braces cause problems with the TSA at the airport?
Nope! The metal detectors at Pittsburgh International Airport will not be set off by your orthodontic treatment.

Will my braces rust?
Although this may have been possible 50 years ago, today’s braces are made of stronger, high quality metals like titanium alloy.

Do braces interfere with radio or cell phone signals?
No. Your iPhone or other devices should function normally, no matter how close or far it is from your mouth.

Will braces prevent me from playing a musical instrument like a trumpet?
In most cases, no! It might take some getting used to, but you should be able to play your mouthpiece instruments just as well as you did before the braces, without pain or discomfort.

Do braces increase the probability of getting struck by lightning?
With or without braces the chances of a lightning strike remain the same: about one in 700,000.

Now that I have braces, can I still play sports?
Yes, but be sure to wear a mouth guard. Mouth guards are one of the least expensive pieces of protective equipment available. Not only can mouth guards save teeth, they may also protect against jaw fractures. Mouth guards are advisable for anyone, whether they wear braces or not.

Will my braces attract unwarranted attention from fish?
Ocean swimmers, listen up! The brackets used in today’s braces, especially ceramic or tooth-colored brackets, will not attract attention from unfriendly fish or wildlife.

Have any more questions for our staff about orthodontic myths, or want to discuss treatment for yourself or a loved one? Call Reed Orthodontics for a consultation, at 412- 421-8565!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Straight Teeth Good for More than a Smile

When many patients first come into our office, they’re thinking one thing: they want a better smile. And yes, orthodontic treatment like traditional bracket braces or Invisalign can be reliable, affordable ways to straighten your teeth.

But what many patients don’t realize is that having straight teeth is also a health benefit. Here are some ways that straight teeth contribute not just to a sparkling smile, but to a healthy one:
  • Straight teeth are easier to brush. When your teeth are too close together, the crowding can result in hard-to-reach areas for your toothbrush and floss. Food tends to get caught between crowded teeth as well, which can cause bacteria and plaque to grow. And when bacteria and plaque grow, conditions like gum inflammation and gingivitis are more likely to develop. On the other hand, too much space can also cause food to lodge between two teeth, so cavities and gum disease are more likely to occur.
  • Straight teeth mean healthy gums. Gums fit much more snugly around straight teeth than crooked ones. This will prevent pieces of feed from getting to comfortable in there!
  • It’s easier to speak and chew. When your teeth aren’t straight, not only are you more likely to chip a tooth, but you’ll also find it much easier to speak and chew your food correctly—this can lead to gastrointestinal problems. In addition, properly aligned teeth put less stress on your jawbones.

Braces are a great general health choice for people of all ages—not just kids. If you’re having a hard time chewing, brushing, flossing, or anything else listed above, consider getting bracket braces or Invisalign. Ivy Horn, an Atlanta attorney, told WebMD about her experience getting braces as an adult:

"I'm not embarrassed about having [braces] at my age because you see a lot of people now, young adults, even older adults wearing braces. In my field I do a lot of speaking when I am in court a lot. I just think it would look better if I had the clear braces rather than the metal braces so people aren't focusing so much on what's in my mouth but the words that are coming out of my mouth."

To schedule an appointment with Reed Orthodontics or if you have any questions, call 412.421.8565 or click here.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Everything in Moderation—Including Halloween Candy!

Halloween is one of our favorite times of year here at the office, and it’s always a nice surprise when a patient comes in dressed in costume.

But one thing that will forever be connected to Halloween is candy—and believe us, we’re guilty of indulging in way too many M&Ms from time to time as well. However, if you have braces, eating too much candy can cause problems for a number of reasons. Take some time to understand why and how eating candy can potentially harm your orthodontic treatment and have an effect on your teeth and gums for years to come.

Eat Sweets in Moderation

As you well know, candy is packed with sugar—and not the good kind. It’s also a carbohydrate, which can cause bacteria and acids to form on your teeth, potentially leading to tooth decay. Even if you don’t have braces, candy can be pretty bad, causing cavities or a multitude of other problems. Eating too much candy can make it more difficult to reach around the bracket and band attachments when you brush your teeth and floss.

Candy is Candy!

Although candy can take on lots of different forms—sucking candies, chocolate, chewy candies—it’s all functionally the same when it comes to your braces. While hard candies can cause hard glucose buildup on your teeth, softer candies can seep into hard-to-reach crevices between your teeth and your orthodontic treatment.

Often times, candy can cause a bracket or band to jolt loose, bringing your journey to straight teeth back for 1 to 2 months—and, of course, you’ll have to schedule an appointment with Dr. Reed to get it fixed.

Have a Happy Halloween, Club Reed! Enjoy yourselves and have a safe, but not-too-sweet holiday!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It’s 2013: Braces Aren’t Just “Kid Stuff” Anymore

20 years ago, you might have done a double-take if you saw an adult with braces walking down the street. But today, with many more convenient, unobtrusive options for teeth straightening, more and more adults are turning to orthodontics—even those whose smiles are constantly in the spotlight.

Country singer Faith Hill wasn’t shy about showing off her braces at last November’s Country Music Association Awards, at one point Tweeting, ““Wear your braces proudly.”

Whether you have Beiber fever or not, you’ve got to appreciate that he decided to straighten his teeth at age 17, at the peak of his celebrity, with Invisalign braces:

And more, recently, across the pond, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, decided to straighten her teeth using lingual braces. Since lingual braces bond to the back of your teeth rather than the front, she was able to enjoy a flawless smile on her wedding day:

For adults looking to straighten their teeth with minimal effect on their smiles, there are lots of solutions now, between steel braces, ceramic braces, transparent aligners, and lingual braces. According to Dr. John Buzzato, president of the American Orthodontic Association, most of these treatments take between a year and a half to two years to complete, often followed by a retainer.

Whether you’re young or old, it’s never too late to get your teeth straightened. Contact us today for a consultation, by clicking here to send us a message, or calling us at (412) 421-8565.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Invisalign – the Great Alternative to Braces!

Reed Orthodontics happily provides Invisalign as a great alternative to traditional braces.  Invisalign treatment involves a series of completely clear removable slipcovers, each designed to move your teeth closer to the final result of straight teeth and a great bite. 

During treatment, patients wear their aligners all day and night expect when eating meals and brushing/flossing.  Since the aligners are clear, no one knows that your teeth are gradually straightening! You can learn more by watching this quick video.

The first step in treatment with Invisalign is a consultation with Dr. Reed to ensure that your teeth and bite will respond well to Invisalign therapy.  

Step two is to take a set of impressions of your teeth as well as one xray and some photos.  All of this information is digitized and sent to Invisalign so that the aligners can be fabricated by their state of the art laboratory.  

Approximately two weeks later the patient returns to receive the first set of aligners.  Dr. Reed and her staff review the process of wearing the slipcovers and will have the patient return every 6 to 8 weeks for minor adjustments and to evaluate the progress.

To find out if you are a great candidate for Invisalign treatment, we invite you to call Dr. Reed’s office  to schedule your initial consultation. 

Like us on Facebook for additional orthodontic information!

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Facts on Braces

Braces are a fact of life for many kids (and some adults) today. Some of us are left wondering, "What  details do I need to know?"

We have put together some facts about braces and orthodontic care for you. Take a peek and let us know what additional questions you have. We will do our best to answer them.

This article covers many questions people have about getting braces. Why do you need them? How do you care for them?

Quick Facts:
  • Almost 70% of people in the US need some sort of orthodontic treatment (that's a lot!).
  • Tons of your favorite celebs have had braces including Tom Cruise and Gwen Stefani! 
  • The perfect age to start orthodontic treatment is between 3-10.
You can read about additional basics of orthodontic care here.

We know it is an intimidating road to go down, but it will also leave you feeling confident and happy when you can greet the world with a beautiful smile!

Like our Facebook page today for more information on orthodontic care and to learn more about Club Reed (offered at our Squirrel Hill office).

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Preparing for Your Orthodontic Consultation

The first appointment at any orthodontic office begins with an initial consultation.  You can get the most out of this appointment by knowing in advance what is most important to you regarding orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Reed and her staff thought of a list of questions that are routinely asked before and during treatment.  They thought the list would help new patients begin the process of thinking about what it is that they want as a result of treatment and what things are important in getting to that result.

Below are just a few examples:
  • How long will it take to make my teeth straight?              
  • Are there different options for treatment?
  • How much should I expect to pay for my treatment?  Are there different options for payment that will be discussed ahead of time?
  • Will insurance cover treatment?
  • Does getting braces or Invisalign hurt?
  • Can I still play sports with braces, expanders, Invisalign, etc.?
  • How often would I have to visit Dr. Reed once treatment is started?
  • Should I wear a retainer after treatment; for how long?
  • Do I still need to see my general dentist once treatment begins?
  • Will my wisdom teeth effect my treatment later?
  • What sorts of foods will I have to avoid?

Dr. Reed and the orthodontic team are here to help answer any questions you may have.  When your consultation is over, Dr. Reed encourages her patients to call or email her with any other questions that may arise after they leave.

From the initial consultation to the day your braces are removed, your treatment should be a smooth and simple process with results that make you feel great.  Feeling well-informed every step of the way is an important part of the process!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pittsburgh Honors Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol once predicted that everyone would have their own fifteen minutes of fame.

Well, the bridge bearing his name received a warm makeover just last weekend and is now the talk of the town!

Knit the Bridge got over 250 volunteers together after raising an impressive $100,000 to cover the Warhol bridge with 600 colorful blankets. In an effort to pay homage to the thriving art culture in Pittsburgh, one group member said, "Unlike graffiti, yarn bombing can be done without any damage to historic structures and is temporary and easily removable."

In the Pittsburgh area? You can see this piece of functional art on display through September 6th and it's quite a sight to be seen:
What do you think of the makeover? Does it look like something Andy Warhol would like? 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What’s the “Point?” Community Connections, Through Art

One of Pittsburgh’s most famous landmarks is its famous “point.” Adorned by a natural spring fountain in Point State Park, and also featuring a history museum and countless events throughout the year, “the point” is a central location for the greater Pittsburgh community.

During last week’s Three Rivers Regatta, two young children decided to sit under a canopy at the Point, and created the first two squares of the “Moving the Lives of Kids Community Mural.” These were the first two of 2,400 pieces that will eventually make up the entire mosaic.

According to an article in Pittsburgh City Paper, the project is intended to be a creative outlet for inner city youth—in Pittsburgh and beyond:
The program, founded in 2007 by artist Kyle Holbrook, provides kids with a creative outlet and an opportunity to take ownership and pride in their communities. “We try to help the inner-city youth,” through various summer mural projects in Allegheny County and other communities, said Ojeda. 
The project displays 250 murals in Allegheny County and has left its brushstrokes across the country in Miami, in Charlotte, N.C., and outside the U.S. in Haiti and Brazil.
For more information on the Moving the Lives of Kids Community Mural Project, including how to lend your artistic support as a young (or adult) artist, click here.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Get Your Ticket to Ride, with Summer Specials at Kennywood

A perennial staple in Pittsburgh, no summer is complete without a trip or two to Kennywood to play some games, ride the Phantom’s Revenge, and spend quality time with family and friends.

Between getting everyone out the door in time and making room in your budget for the outing, organizing these trips can be challenging. Fortunately, Kennywood offers several summer specials so you can make the most out of your trip.

Some of these specials include:
Season Pass Bring-a-Buddy DaysIf you have a 2013 season pass, you can bring one guest for just $10, plus tax on the following dates: July 8, 11, 15, 30, 31. 
Boomer DaysFor seniors 55 and older, DJ Charlie Apple will play classic oldies at Pavilion 1—and with the purchase of one ticket, a second one is only $5. Remember to bring the coupon, which you can find here. This promotion must be used on July 11, 15, 30, and 31.  
Bogo + $5 SpecialsIf you buy one admission, you can get the second ticket for just $5 on the following dates: July 11, 15, 30, and 31. You must present the promotional coupon, found here

So if you were already planning a trip to Kennywood this summer, these promotions should let you include everyone, for an outing that’ll produce smiles and memories for years to come.

For a complete list of Kennywood’s summer promotions, click here.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WQED’s New “Smartparent” Series Offers Parenting Tips for Digital Age

Being a parent in 2013 is much different than being a parent 30 years ago—or even 10 years ago! New forms of media, the Internet, and cultural changes that have cropped up this past decade present many challenges for parents, especially those with children entering their middle school and high school years.

One of our most helpful local educational resources, WQED, has launched a program called IQsmartparent. The program consists of a series of live-recorded episodes on parenting in the digital age. There is even a live taping tonight, at WQED Multimedia’s historic Fred Rogers Studio. Check their website to see if there are still seats available. Of course, if you can’t make it, the episode will air on WQED TV at a later date.

Other upcoming episode tapings include:
Episode 5: Early Childhood, Screens, and the Developing Brain
What happens when kids under age 8 watch TV and are exposed to screens? We’ll discuss current research and practical considerations of exposing children to media during the early childhood years, explore the impact of educational screen time on kids of various backgrounds, and offer iQ: smartparents some tips for raising young children in our media-rich environment.
Taping: September 25, 2013

Episode 6: Online Identities and Social Media
Children and teens are using social media to define and share their personal narratives. When there is no “delete” button on Facebook or other social platforms, what story does your child’s online identity tell, now and into the future? What does it mean to be a good digital citizen? Join us for an eye-opening discussion on how parents and children can have safe and positive experiences online.
Taping: November 19, 2013
WQED has also provided a trove of supplementary resources to pair with each episode. To review a complete schedule of episodes and resources from IQsmartparent’s website, click here. But chances are, if your child is a patient of Reed Orthodontics, you’re already a “smartparent.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nominations for ATHENA Awards are Open!

Do you know an inspiring woman who seems to succeed in whatever they do? It’s possible you know several! If so, consider nominating them for an ATHENA Young Professional Award for the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

Established in 1982, the ATHENA Awards aim to recognize talented professional women under age 35 who not only excel in the workplace but as mentors to their communities. The award’s name is derived from Athena, the Greek goddess of strength and wisdom—and continues to be one of the largest annual gatherings of ATHENA International members across the globe.

Courtesy of ATHENA’s website, here are some of the requirements for Greater Pittsburgh ATHENA Award nominations:

ATHENA Young Professional honorees are emerging leaders 35 and under who do the following:
Demonstrate excellence, creativity, and initiative in their business or profession;
Provide valuable service by contributing time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community; and
Serve as personal and professional role models for young women. 
Benefits of nominating a woman in your life include the following: 
Enhancing the public profile of the nominee and her organization through ample pre-   and post-event media coverage and the event itself, which draws 800+ people;
Providing substantive, well-deserved acknowledgement to individuals whose dedication, service and leadership may go unrecognized;
Fostering a community that promotes ongoing contributions from this influential group; and
Enjoying access to an exclusive Nominees Reception a month prior to the event to mingle with all nominees, nominators, and sponsors.
The deadline for nominations will be June 28, at 5:00pm. Nominations may be submitted online at, and the awards reception will be held on Monday, September 30, 2013, at Westin Convention Center in Downtown Pittsburgh.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Grand Endowment for 25 School Districts

Our local schools continue to pull away from the national pack in the most important academic areas: science, technology, engineering, math, and the arts (STEAM). And now, thanks to a $500,000 grant from The Allegheny Intermediate Unit's Center for Creativity, 25 Pittsburgh area school districts will benefit from even more funding in the academic areas that are most vital to our future.

The grant designates funding for hands-on educational resources such as a robotics laboratory, a digital communications station, music centers, and a media studio. So as Pittsburgh continues to firmly establish itself as a national leader for economic development, it makes sense that our schools follow suit.

The Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s assistant executive director, Rosanne Javorsky, told WESA FM:
“My heart was filled with joy,” said Rosanne Javorsky, assistant executive director of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, reacting to the 80 proposals for grants to create innovative spaces to engage students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). 
“One thing we should be proud of, we’ve been saying STEAM now for five years where the rest of the country just seems to be catching on,” she said.
For more information on the grant, click here.

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